story sticks

story sticks let students pick up and hold each sentence

story sticks let students pick up and hold each sentence

Instead of reading a story off a sheet of paper or out of a book, let your student actually pick up each sentence as they read it by creating “story sticks.”

Take each sentence and print it on an address label. Then stick each label to a wooden craft stick.

I like to place all the sticks in a cup, and have the students draw one stick at a time. If they misread any of the words, have them work on it until they can read it with no errors, then put the stick back in the cup. If they correctly read it, have them place it on the table, figuring out what order the sticks go in to make sense of the story. Once all the sticks have been placed, have them read all the sticks in order from top to bottom to read the entire story through.

I then have them go back and read the story from the printed page to see if they got all their sticks in the correct order!